Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Persuaders

* neuromarketing (psychological) 
- When people transfer their own unconscious psychological associations to aspects of a product, which attracts them. An example of this would be the Coors Light commercial shown in the movie as a way to trigger the response of people who may likely be drinking alcohol. This was also shown during the Super Bowl to better sell the product with the sentiment of the game and it's activities of watching it in mind.

* emotional branding 
- Use of language to better persuade an idea to a public by using carefully chosen words to sell their idea. The example from the video shows Frank Luntz calling global warming "climate change" in speeches, and using the term "death tax."

* branding/creating a culture around a brand 
- The now defunct airline company, Song, best exemplified the idea of creating a culture around a brand by having the employees live around the brand and its presented values, creating its own subculture. By using the company name as a common day term and attempting to have people follow, they wanted to associate their product as a popular term or slang word (as if it were to be seen as "cool" or youthful). 

* narrowcasting 
- Simplifying an understood piece of information for a target audience, rather than the general public. An example would be the categories of certain age groups and life stages (such as Rushkoff as a "shooting star").

* rhetorical marketing 
- Frank Luntz made a point in this movie to explain how certain words made people react positively and be more attentive as opposed to other words. This is a "code" that he attempts to find within people's minds that will help sell an idea or a product verbally - sometimes, without ever having to see the product.

* under the radar marketing 
- A more subtle style of selling a product by utilizing the companies aesthetics to attract, often seen in places you may not expect or given through word-of-mouth

* across-media marketing 
- In the Sean Penn movie, I Am Sam, the Starbucks logo is clearly visible. This is known as across-media marketing, when a logo or brand is advertised during a movie, television program, or similar media. This is similar to how magazines sometimes use "advertorials," or editorials that appear to be written as part of the magazine, but are actually selling a product in the page. 

* product placement across media 
- When a product is advertised in a form of entertainment and used as the part of the entertainment. It can be utilized in a television program, movie, game, etc. This is best shown in "The Persuaders" by having celebrities (such as Sting) drive BMW's in videos produced by the company.

* guerrilla marketing 
- An form of promotion that uses unconventional and often unexpected methods to attract consumers. An example of this would be the use of the LCD light boards that were randomly placed in Boston to promote the movie for the [adult swim] program Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

* viral marketing 
- This is a form of promotion that utilizes social networks to generate consumer buzz, which can also generate word-of-mouth promotion by proxy. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vector Image

For my project, I chose to use a photo of a stuffed animal a friend of mine won at a carnival in South Jersey. Here's the original image:

I used various paths and shapes to recreate the photograph as a vector image in Adobe Illustrator. Here, you'll see the results in a flattened .gif image:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Internet & Democracy

1. Based on this debate and previous readings What Definition of democracy do you feel is most fitting for us to use in-conjunction our growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies?
Based on what we've read and discussed in class, I feel that the definition of a "direct democracy" would best fit the digital technologies we use. This definition applies best because people are doing exactly what the internet was intended to do: allow a person or group to publicly post their thoughts and information. This will, in turn, allow the public to view it and gather their own opinion of how merited their thoughts and information are based on how it would apply to them and the events that are happening in their life. This is in contrast to having a group of authoritative leaders or "elite" groups pick and choose what information belongs where on the internet for people to view based on what they feel is merited and what is not.

2. How does your answer to #1 fit into the unchecked nature of Web 2.0 technologies, and what are some tangible examples of this? Do you feel this is an important issue that needs to be addressed further?
My choice of a "direct democracy" on the internet does bring into play some questionable aspects of how it is applied currently in Web 2.0 technologies, which is one of the main reasons for its debate. When someone wants to look up stock trade, current events from household names, or television/radio guides, they can obtain that information within less than a minute. With that same technology, however, that same person is able to look up information from sources that may contain misinformation, information on breaking the law, or information that could pose as a threat to the physical well-being of the people surrounding them. These websites are all obtainable to anybody instantly, whether it be adults or children from anywhere. With or without the notion of civility being taken into account, this information will always have its presence on the interent based on a "direct democracy" and what I feel is the 1st amendment aspect that plays a role in it. It is there to be said, but not necessarily to be done, they are simply providing information that they give out, whether merited or not by others.

3. Define and describe the phenomenon of the Media echo-chamber as described in the Internet Debates. What are some examples of this silo effect, and do you believe it is an issue that needs to be addressed? Why or Why not?
Media echo-chambers are ideas or beliefs that are popular among a certain group of individuals based upon a topic of discussion that they have formed a strong opinion. With many websites available with that certain select group's opinion online ready to view, it is easy for these individuals to obtain an abundance of biased or partisan information that only reinforces their opinion rather than branching out into new areas that could possibly broaden their horizon. This could be best exemplified with Democrats who may only get their news sources from seemingly liberal-biased news outlets and only using them as they form their opinion on a certain debate. One news source of this kind that is usually cited is NPR (National Public Radio). This can also be used as an example of how the silo effect has come about with the internet. It is an issue because of the vast amounts of sources being available and, therefore, making people question what sources are reliable and which ones are not. This is caused by the numerous biased articles and journals online that have questionable merit-ability and could give the viewer a seemingly partisan standpoint on a topic.

4. What are some ways that expertise and authority could be (or is being) enforced on the internet? Who would be behind these forces? Why do you believe are they are needed or not needed?
Expertise and authority figures could be appointed by the websites creators and chosen by the viewers of the website. Based on who the viewers feel they obtain substantial information from, it would be possible that they be the ones to chose the "experts" of a certain topic and discussion. This would be best suited if a "direct democracy" were to be followed through the internet. This would also be enforced under the websites creators, who would have the final say in who is granted power to edit and post information. I believe that they are needed on the internet to avoid the possibility of a source be routed as silo of information and being viewed as a partisan source. It would grant the users to be able to have people they trust to have as unbiased of articles as they can write and read so that they can receive the best news that they can.

6. Give a through example of an adaptation or improvement made by a of a social, political, or cultural group, government, business or individual to keep up with changing nature of the internet.
As the internet has continued to change, websites and organizations have been forced to improve their content with the fast pace of technological growth. Newspapers are definitely one of the best examples to address in this area. As the written and printed newspapers that journalists struggle to put out everyday is seeming to die, they are building a strong presence online based on their reputation. The New York Times, for example was the first newspaper that popped up on Google when i would search for "newspapers." The times continues to have up-to-the-minute updates that give the same thorough analysis and work that past journalists would give in the formal newspaper (even with some of the same journalists that have worked with them for years).

7. Is democracy threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet?
Democracy is not threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet, but rather being embraced in "direct democracy." There will always be misinformation on the internet in the same way that there will always be misinformation in the word of mouth source of information. This is a part of our culture that tends to lean towards some sources over others because of what we feel are merited guides from our own opinions as individuals, not according to a group decision based on authority. We do follow some of the aspects that Andrew Keen does delve into, but we follow them in a way that gives us the information from sources that we see are praised or linked respectively through one another.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Great Seduction

1. In the case of Democratized media, Keen seems to tie it with the idea of people recycling material made by various artists, designers and creators and using it towards a media that is used in a collage style or used style. He seems to take a side that does not support such a movement in media. He goes on to say that this type of media gives them the opportunity to distort the truth in their choosing and "destroys and kills media." This is also something he advocates in his book that he endorsed on the Colbert Report. His explanations are best exemplified by the website of YouTube. Anybody and recycle, reuse or throw together any footage they want in a distorted or perverse way that is their own spin on such forms of video or film. It will have them form a "creation" that he would most likely feel is stealing art and destroying what is good media.

2. Keen and Rushkoff differ heavily in their view on media. Andrew Keen takes a side that sees new media as the destruction of media as a whole and will continue to diminish and decline in merit. Douglas Rushkoff, on the other hand, views these new media advancements along with newer techonology as a way to enhance and add healthy growth to the new media that is coming to us. Rushkoff believes this will add a human element to media and be able to represent the normal person as they see media and the world. I believe that Keen's view does show slightly more merit when you take a look at the decline in the film industry. Not only have films declined in sales, but the internet has been able to distribute films on user sites for free, illegally. It has seem to construe with the idea that "anybody can be a film-maker or actor" with the internet's wide variety of video hosting sites (most prominent YouTube) and the modern computers run-of-the-mill and standard webcams and editing software. Has this diminished film quality?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Student review- Brendan Cuddihy

After reading Brendan's essay, it is clear about the growing risks of social networking with the case of cyberbullying/hazing on the internet. Recent current events add to the relevance of this essay with the case of the Rutgers suicide of 2010. "Three out of four teenagers say they were bulied online at least once during the last 12 months." This says a lot to hold the truth to his argument and puts it into perspective of just how far the negative aspects of this realm has become. It's a reality that may even be affecting a person as we speak. For all intents and purposes, you could do it instantly right now! Open a new tab next to this page and see for yourself (Note: Don't actually do that!).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Brendan Cuddihy

The Age of The Yet to Be Discovered

What would you say on a video that you wanted to post online? Its more than likely, it seems, that you’re going to put that video on YouTube, probably in hopes that it will be the next “David After Dentist,” “Techno Viking,” or “I Like Turtles.” The thought of people seeing something that represents your creativity, accidental or formatted, makes you all the more interested to put up a submission. Why do you do this? How do you do this? How does your submission hold any merit? Do the others?
With the rise of software and equipment that is made readily available for computer users, it has never been easier to make a video. The push of a button will film you with a web cam, record your voice, and convey whatever message you wish, warts and all. The quality of film, however, suffers due to the low resolution available on you devices and editing software. You could utilize it in ways to give a certain quality that adds personality to the amateur nature, but will it still be as organic as, let’s say, a short film shot with a Super 16 film or a hand-drawn rotoscope animation?
A trend seems to have formed where the quality of people’s videos is diminishing, focusing on the content more than the presentation. This does give the correct information needed, but the reputability may suffer because of the presentation. What if the next big scientific breakthrough were to be delivered in an online video shot on a Mac’s web cam and edited to have the speaker in a poorly cropped in an inappropriate background setting (i.e. choppy green screen effect). Do you believe that the professionalism of the matter would suffer? 
Professionally shot material seems to hold its own as a means to present information with a level of serious that amateur quality cannot always master. The care and detail of lighting, contrast, color correction, sound quality, subject placement and overall organization give off care and detail that can’t always be matched using home software or free software. Sometimes, the overuse of software makes its organic feel too tapered. Using too much effects or editing will decrease the quality in the presentation, thereby, acting as a distraction to the viewer. Professionally shot material seems to becoming less and less used mainly due to cost. This is more than likely a sign of the recent recession and unemployment rating that hinders people’s ability to afford such resources. Nevertheless, it’s these same investments that will grab more eyes and ears from superiors over the run-of –the-mill cell phone produced presentations.
It seems more evident than ever that people are “here” and have their presence, but can an example such as this in the form of video reflect that of online writings, journals, posts, photographs or other sources? Does it give off the amateur feel too much? Does it standout as “professional?” Is it even conveying what you want? 
We may hold and give a lot of value to the posts and opinions that are shown by the individuals online who may claim to be experts in their field, having some afire of professionalism. Can you accurately gauge the formality of this person(s) credentials through a computer screen as accurately as you think? 
Some people argue that the “amateur” market is something that is here to stay within the media, with most of its prowess being on the Internet. Some have said that using this source, as a tool will help an individual hone in one their skills in media and soon be able to move to more professional endeavors. This could include television, newspapers, more successful internet outlets, radio, online radio. What needs to be done about the growing age of the amateur writer is already being put into use with the young and old who may consider themselves in this category. They are learning. 
This overabundance of amateur websites, YouTube channels, and other media outlets that allow customization and freeform styles will give users the tools in order to prepare for their careers. It will allow them to master their writing, video, audio, and other media skills that will become more professional and presentable with experience and other outlets along their desires. This is how professionalism is staying alive. The amateur culture may be growing, but so are the amount of damage it may have done to film may show in the future in a way.
With the rise of so many amateur videos, it is becoming ever more prominent in the film and television industries as sources and citations. It effects the writing in a way, as well. Since the amateur writing may not have been taken as much care, the professional delivery of the message may not be as clear or may not present any valid merit to the viewer and will hold valueless to the broad audience. Not only this, but the presentation may suffer from the seemingly drab writing style that is used in the source. This also can apply to the filming style, heavily. The pixel reliant cameras will have the quality of the film suffer from drowned and watered quality that may be HD, but will not hold the same quality and warm tonality as the analog format that helped to shape them.
       Even though the digital format is dominating the media, there will always be a place for analog and digital amateurs can have a place. The amateur videos will always exist, and they will always hold a place as the starting point for perhaps the next great American film artist. Who knows? Maybe they'll be able to give insight into modern writing and analog/digital film with the amateur age of YouTube, giving it different perspective and crystalizing its value.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Digital Nation - Folksonomy and the Folks

What would you say on a video that you wanted to post online? Its more than likely, it seems, that you’re going to put that video on YouTube, probably in hopes that it will be the next “David After Dentist,” “Techno Viking,” or “I Like Turtles.” The thought of people seeing something that represents your creativity, accidental or formatted, makes you all the more interested to put up a submission. Why do you do this? How do you do this? How does your submission hold any merit? Do the others?
            With the rise of software and equipment that is made readily available for computer users, it has never been easier to make a video. The push of a button will film you with a web cam, record your voice, and convey whatever message you wish, warts and all. The quality of film, however, suffers due to the low resolution available on you devices and editing software. You could utilize it in ways to give a certain quality that adds personality to the amateur nature, but will it still be as organic as, let’s say, a short film shot with a Super 16 film or a hand-drawn rotoscope animation?
            A trend seems to have formed where the quality of people’s videos is diminishing, focusing on the content more than the presentation. This does give the correct information needed, but the reputability may suffer because of the presentation. What if the next big scientific breakthrough were to be delivered in an online video shot on a Mac’s web cam and edited to have the speaker in a poorly cropped in an inappropriate background setting (i.e. choppy green screen effect). Do you believe that the professionalism of the matter would suffer?
            Professionally shot material seems to hold its own as a means to present information with a level of serious that amateur quality cannot always master. The care and detail of lighting, contrast, color correction, sound quality, subject placement and overall organization give off care and detail that can’t always be matched using home software or free software. Sometimes, the overuse of software makes its organic feel too tapered. Using too much effects or editing will decrease the quality in the presentation, thereby, acting as a distraction to the viewer. Professionally shot material seems to becoming less and less used mainly due to cost. This is more than likely a sign of the recent recession and unemployment rating that hinders people’s ability to afford such resources. Nevertheless, it’s these same investments that will grab more eyes and ears from superiors over the run-of –the-mill cell phone produced presentations.
            It seems more evident than ever that people are “here” and have their presence, but can an example such as this in the form of video reflect that of online writings, journals, posts, photographs or other sources? Does it give off the amateur feel too much? Does it standout as “professional?” Is it even conveying what you want? 

(to be finished)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Social Media and Web 2.0

1. The rising convenience of high quality home technology is growing to advanced heights nowadays. One could argue that they could shoot and entire movie or television pilot solely by utilizing the resources that come standard with basic technological conveniences for young adults (i.e. a digital camera, cell phone, computer). It is now to a point where the bar is set very high in order to one-up the last piece of high quality shooting style with a higher resolution or different quality. If someone wanted to just recreate the old TV or movie look, they can simply add in an effect in a piece of software to simply give that feel. But is it as organic? I think that professional production will continue to drop, simply because of matters of cost vs. necessity. It seems that with so much high quality equipment available, there is less of a need for analog quality over digital, which gives a warmer tone in film over digital camcorders. The role of content is usually now what measures the real success of production. The value, however, in my opinion, may still suffer without the thought out professional production value that comes with old fashioned filming rather than the YouTube quality videos that seem to be popularized in today's media.

2. For now, Facebook is the only social media website I have ever used. Based on its organization, it has helped me to find people I have wished to contact for a long time and helped to keep up to date with close friends. Facebook became more popular over Myspace due to its reputation for being a college students networking outlet. It has an air of certain sophistication that Myspace seems to lack. Myspace has been given a negative outlet due to its media coverage and offenses that have arisen from it. The content seems disorganized, poorly laid out and dangerous to a person and their computer when compared to the (somewhat) more protected aspects of Facebook. For now, Facebook is here to stay until another website could provide similar or better service. Who knows? Maybe people will freely and willingly cast their lives on video online with no qualms whatsoever.

3. Transparency is very important in social media because it could introduce a bias that could positively or negatively affect the audience of a certain entity. It could give someone the the association of a sophisticated and well reputed impression to receivers that could create a "Halo Effect" in order to garner attention or it could create a bad reputation that has people viewing, yet may turn people away with its poor association. If someone is sponsored by BP, for example, and advertises them, that would give off a bad association given the relevant current events that this company has presently. If they have no sponsorships and use social media purely for their personal use with organic content (warts and all), than that could generate more followers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Here I have the final result of my McLuhan related Photoshop project. The image I have presented here shows how quickly media generates through this little commentary on one of the newest and fastest growing social networking websites: Twitter. Twitter has become a commodity for people to advertise and utilize with its straightforward direct marketing. The website uses images, text and video to send out information in short and simply phrased updates, or tweets. The young woman here is shown checking the local times and dates of a popular musical group and seeing when and if the group will be playing at the venue she so happens to be in front of at this point in time. Luckily for her, they are! She also is able to receive this information via another medium: her iPhone, which has a special Twitter application available for the public. With this, she is able to easily get tickets at the venue (The Box Office) and now know that the group will indeed be playing that same night. Twitter has helped her to find out all the useful information she's needed on site and on time. Afterwards, she will be able to share her reaction to the concert, or whatever else may be on her mind, as well as see other people's reactions. Who knows? She may end up finding another fun event directly after in a new tweet.

Photoshop Progress

For my project, I will place an image of a twitter update, with the logo, and an image showing a type of event (most likely a concert) on the screen of a cell phone as someone is checking it. It would also be placed in front of a box office that would be advertising the same event that the twitter phone update is talking about in this scenario. It would be best if I could do this in a sort of comic book style series that would go from someone checking their phone, to them seeing the update, and finally the same person acting in surprised or joyful manner when they see that they are at or are close to where they are able to obtain the tickets (or whatever service the update advertises) to the event. Here are some of the images I would like to use. They may change down the line:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Photoshop Assignment: Twitter

For my photoshop assignment, I'd like to focus my composition on Twitter. This website is known for its simplicity in visuals and text, as well as its in-depth nature when it comes to its role in the media. Its know for giving short and concise updates that are short in length and include when they were written. It conveys the text, can include a picture, a video, and links to other websites. To put its role into perspective, it played a big part in Conan O'Brien's post-Tonight Show career in the weeks following his departure. When his account opened, it generated thousands of followers that would soon turn into over a milliion. When he prepared for his "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour," one tweet announced that tickets were officially on sale, that included a link to purchase them. With this as his only source of advertisement, tickets sold out within just a couple of hours. This shows the levity and power that Twitter, and the internet for that matter, has played in the media as times have changed and technology grows bigger and bigger.

My project would focus on the simplistic nature of Twitter and follow how a person receives and uses Twitter as a source of media. It would explore its use socially in the news and in peoples personal lives. It would show the formality of its updates and profiles, as well as its use in personal life.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Media/ McLuhen Example

The iPhone has revolutionized what people use in the standard cell phone. It's uses are not limited to just calling and texting, but with various applications, it can be used to access the internet, communicate face-to-face with Skype, take pictures and videos, use as a GPS or find directions, and the list goes on from there. Known for its user friendly accessibility, Apple has developed a breakthrough that gives people an advanced outlet for communication that is simplistic in design, yet complex in uses.

Twitter has become an online social networking sensation with its use of simple 'tweets' that let people know what a particular person has chosen to share at a certain point in time. It is known for its simplicity and widespread use by common people and celebrities in the media. With a limited set of characters, it will allow a user to give a short, crystalized sentence or phrase to share, ranging from the mundane, to the humorous, and to the groundbreaking thoughts that its unique users share.

 Adobe Photoshop is a piece of software that gives its users the ability to manipulate and retouch a photograph of their choosing to help give each picture (or graphic) a polish for that professional look they desire. It has become a popular software for photographers, graphic designers, journalists, and several other professional involved in todays media.