Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Media/ McLuhen Example

The iPhone has revolutionized what people use in the standard cell phone. It's uses are not limited to just calling and texting, but with various applications, it can be used to access the internet, communicate face-to-face with Skype, take pictures and videos, use as a GPS or find directions, and the list goes on from there. Known for its user friendly accessibility, Apple has developed a breakthrough that gives people an advanced outlet for communication that is simplistic in design, yet complex in uses.

Twitter has become an online social networking sensation with its use of simple 'tweets' that let people know what a particular person has chosen to share at a certain point in time. It is known for its simplicity and widespread use by common people and celebrities in the media. With a limited set of characters, it will allow a user to give a short, crystalized sentence or phrase to share, ranging from the mundane, to the humorous, and to the groundbreaking thoughts that its unique users share.

 Adobe Photoshop is a piece of software that gives its users the ability to manipulate and retouch a photograph of their choosing to help give each picture (or graphic) a polish for that professional look they desire. It has become a popular software for photographers, graphic designers, journalists, and several other professional involved in todays media. 

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